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How to Clean Gutters with Leaf Blower: A Step-by-Step Guide

how to clean gutters with leaf blower

Cleaning gutters can be a daunting task, especially during fall when the leaves start to fall off the trees. One way to make this process easier is by using a leaf blower to clear out the debris.

In this helpful guide, we will show you how to clean gutters with a leaf blower and provide you with some tips and tricks to make the process as efficient and safe as possible.

Why Clean Your Gutters?

As a homeowner, it is important to regularly clean your gutters to ensure they function properly. Gutters are responsible for directing water away from your home’s foundation, preventing water damage and costly repairs.

Here are a few reasons why you should clean your gutters:

Prevent Water Damage

Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow and seep into your home’s foundation, causing water damage and mold growth. This can lead to costly repairs and even health issues.

By cleaning your gutters regularly, you can prevent water damage and keep your home safe.

Maintain Your Home’s Exterior

Clean gutters also help maintain the exterior of your home. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow and damage your home’s siding, paint, and landscaping.

By cleaning your gutters, you can prevent damage and keep your home looking its best.

Prevent Pest Infestations

Clogged gutters can also attract pests, such as mosquitoes, rodents, and birds. These pests can cause damage to your home and pose a health risk to your family.

By cleaning your gutters, you can prevent pest infestations and keep your home safe.

Increase Your Gutters’ Lifespan

Regular gutter cleaning can also increase the lifespan of your gutters. Clogged gutters can cause damage to the gutter system, leading to costly repairs or even replacement.

By cleaning your gutters, you can prevent damage and extend the life of your gutter system.

Overall, regular gutter cleaning is an important part of home maintenance. By keeping your gutters clean, you can prevent water damage, maintain your home’s exterior, prevent pest infestations, and increase the lifespan of your gutters.

Tools You Will Need

To clean your gutters using a leaf blower, you will need a few tools to get started. Here are the basic tools you will need:


The first tool you will need is a sturdy ladder. You will need to climb up the ladder to access your gutters, so it is important to choose a ladder that is tall enough to reach your gutters and is stable enough to support your weight.

Gutter Cleaning Attachment

Once you have your ladder in place, you will need a gutter cleaning attachment for your leaf blower. This attachment is designed to fit onto the end of your leaf blower and will allow you to blow leaves and debris out of your gutters.

Leaf Blower

Of course, you will also need a leaf blower to use with your gutter cleaning attachment. Make sure your leaf blower has enough power to blow debris out of your gutters effectively.

Safety Gear

Safety is always a top priority when working on a ladder, so you will need to wear the appropriate safety gear. This includes goggles to protect your eyes from debris and ear protection to protect your hearing from the noise of the leaf blower.

Other Tools

In addition to the tools listed above, you may also want to consider using a tarp or drop cloth to catch debris as it falls from your gutters. This will make cleanup easier and prevent debris from falling onto your lawn or landscaping.

Preparing for Gutter Cleaning

Cleaning gutters can be a daunting task, but it is essential to ensure that water flows freely and does not damage your roof or foundation. Before you start cleaning your gutters, you need to prepare adequately. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Choose the Right Tools

The right tools can make gutter cleaning easier and more efficient. A leaf blower is an excellent tool for removing dry leaves and debris from your gutters. You can also use a gutter cleaning attachment for your pressure washer or a gutter scoop to remove wet debris.

Ensure that your tools are in good working condition before you start cleaning.

2. Check the Weather

Check the weather forecast before you start cleaning your gutters. Avoid cleaning your gutters on a windy day as it can make the task more challenging and dangerous.

Also, avoid cleaning your gutters during the winter as ice can make the gutters slippery and dangerous.

3. Clear the Area

Clear the area around your gutters before you start cleaning. Move any outdoor furniture or equipment that may obstruct your access to the gutters. If you have a yard, ensure that it is free from any obstacles that may hinder your movement.

4. Inspect Your Gutters

Inspect your gutters before you start cleaning. Check for any damage or leaks that may require repairs. Also, check the downspouts to ensure that they are not clogged.

If you find any issues, address them before you start cleaning.

5. Wear Protective Gear

Gutter cleaning can be messy, and you need to protect yourself from debris and water. Wear gloves, safety glasses, and a dust mask to protect your hands, eyes, and lungs.

If you are using a ladder, wear slip-resistant shoes to avoid slipping.

By following these steps, you can prepare adequately for gutter cleaning. Remember to be cautious and take your time when cleaning your gutters to avoid accidents.

Using a Leaf Blower to Clean Gutters

Cleaning gutters can be a daunting task, but using a leaf blower can make it much easier and quicker. Here are some tips to help you use a leaf blower to clean your gutters.

Choosing the Right Leaf Blower

When choosing a leaf blower to clean your gutters, there are a few things to consider. First, you want to make sure the leaf blower has enough power to blow out the debris in your gutters.

A gas-powered leaf blower is usually the best option for this task, as it provides the most power.

You also want to consider the air speed and air volume of the leaf blower. A leaf blower with a high air speed and air volume will be more effective at blowing out debris from your gutters.

Safety Precautions

Before you start cleaning your gutters with a leaf blower, it’s important to take some safety precautions. First, make sure the ground is dry and free of any water or moisture.

Wet ground can be slippery and increase the risk of falls.

You should also wear protective gear, such as safety glasses and gloves, to protect yourself from debris that may be blown out of the gutters.

Blowing the Debris Out of the Gutters

To use a leaf blower to clean your gutters, start by positioning yourself on a ladder near the edge of the roof. Turn on the leaf blower and direct the nozzle towards the debris in the gutter.

Be sure to blow the debris away from the downspout to prevent clogging. Move the ladder along the gutter as you work, being careful not to overreach or overbalance.

Cleaning Up Afterwards

Once you have finished blowing out the debris from your gutters, it’s important to clean up any debris that may have fallen to the ground. Use a rake or broom to collect the debris and dispose of it properly.

It’s also a good idea to rinse out your gutters with a hose to remove any remaining debris or dust.

Using a leaf blower to clean your gutters is a DIY task that can save you time and money. However, if you are uncomfortable with heights or unsure about using a leaf blower, it’s always best to hire a professional to do the job for you.

Alternatives to a Leaf Blower

If you don’t have a leaf blower, or you prefer not to use one, there are other options for cleaning your gutters. Here are two alternatives to consider:

Using a Pressure Washer

A pressure washer can be a useful tool for cleaning gutters, especially if they are clogged with leaves and other debris. However, it can also be dangerous if not used properly. Here are some tips for using a pressure washer to clean your gutters:

  • Use a pressure washer with a gutter cleaning attachment, which will allow you to reach the gutters without having to climb a ladder.
  • Start at the highest point of the gutter and work your way down, using a sweeping motion to remove debris.
  • Be careful not to spray water directly into the gutters, as this could cause them to overflow and damage your home’s foundation.
  • Wear eye protection and gloves to protect yourself from flying debris.

Using Gutter Cleaning Kits

Gutter cleaning kits are another option for cleaning your gutters without a leaf blower. These kits typically include a telescoping pole with a curved attachment that allows you to reach the gutters from the ground.

Here are some tips for using a gutter cleaning kit:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure that you use the kit safely and effectively.
  • Start at the highest point of the gutter and work your way down, using a sweeping motion to remove debris.
  • Be prepared to get wet, as water may splash back onto you as you clean the gutters.
  • Wear gloves to protect your hands from sharp debris.

Overall, there are several alternatives to using a leaf blower to clean your gutters. Whether you choose to use a pressure washer or a gutter cleaning kit, be sure to follow safety guidelines and take precautions to protect yourself and your home.

Using a Leaf Blower to Clean Your Gutters


In conclusion, cleaning gutters is an important maintenance task that should be done regularly to prevent debris buildup and potential roof damage.

Using a leaf blower is an effective and efficient method for cleaning gutters, especially when dealing with dry leaves and debris. However, it is important to prioritize safety when using a leaf blower for gutter cleaning.

When using a leaf blower for gutter cleaning, it is recommended to wear goggles and ear protection to protect yourself from debris and loud noise. Additionally, it is important to use a gutter cleaning attachment to ensure that the air speed and volume are appropriate for the task.

Gas-powered leaf blowers are more powerful than electric ones, but they can also be more dangerous if not used properly.

It is also important to consider the wind direction and speed when using a leaf blower for gutter cleaning. Working against the wind can make the task more difficult and potentially dangerous.

It is also important to clear the downspout to ensure that water can flow properly.

While DIY gutter cleaning with a leaf blower is possible, it may be more efficient and safer to hire a professional for the task. Professional gutter cleaning services often have specialized equipment and experience to ensure that the task is done properly and safely.

Overall, whether you choose to clean your gutters yourself or hire a professional, ensuring that your gutters are clean and free of debris is an important part of home maintenance.

By following safety precautions and using the appropriate equipment, you can effectively and efficiently clean your gutters with a leaf blower.