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Mansard Roof

Mansard Roof

Roofs come in a variety of shapes and patterns, all of which are meant for aesthetic or safety reasons. Today, we’re going to talk about the Mansard roof. This style of roof is characterized by its inward-sloping sides and a flat top. The Mansard roof gets its name from François Mansart, an architect who popularized the design in the 17th century.

What is a Mansard Roof?

A mansard roof, also known as a curb roof or French roof, is a 4 sided gambrel style of roof. The upper slope of the roof is steeper than the lower slope and descends to the top of a low parapet wall or railing. It was originally developed to allow extra space in attics for servants and staff without compromising interior ceilings and rooms below by using dormers.

The ornamentation on these roofs varies depending on how decorative its style is and the period it was created in. It may include brackets, eave brackets, cornices, dentils, finials, or keystones as well as other elements according to regional tastes during various architectural periods such as Gothic Revival architecture.

In North America, another name for Mansard Roof is a Bonnet Roof. It usually has two slopes on all four sides with the lower slope having a shallower pitch than the upper one.

During the 17th century, another architectural influence came from Francois Mansart who was also known as “the French Michelangelo” who was responsible for the design of many churches, government buildings, and private homes.

Design and Purpose

The main benefit of a Mansard roof is that it provides a lot of extra living space, without taking up a lot of the exterior footprint of the house. This is because the lower slope can be fitted with dormers – small, square windows that project from the sloping roof. Dormers not only provide natural light and ventilation to the upper level, but they also add character to a home’s appearance.

Mansard roofs are often used in conjunction with other roof styles, such as a hip roof or gable roof. When used together, the different shapes and angles create an interesting visual effect that can make a home more attractive to potential buyers.

If you’re thinking about installing a Mansard roof on your home, it’s important to hire a qualified roofing contractor who has experience with this type of roof. They will be able to recommend the best materials and construction methods for your home, and ensure that the finished product is both beautiful and durable.

Why choose a Mansard Roof?

Mansard roofs have a few distinct advantages that can make them a great choice for your home. For one, they’re extremely efficient at trapping heat in the winter and keeping your home warm. They’re also great at deflecting the sun’s rays in the summer, helping to keep your home cool.

Additionally, Mansard roofs can add a touch of elegance and style to your home. If you’re looking for a roof that can provide both efficiency and style, a Mansard roof may be the perfect choice for you.

Things you should know about Mansard Roof

The Do’s:

  • A mansard roof adds space to your house because it has slanted sides.
  • It is very sturdy and will protect you from the elements, like wind, rain, snow etc.
  • You can decorate or paint a mansard roof any way you want to because they are simple roofs. No need to worry about complicated designs.
  • The mansard roof can be made of almost any material you want, for example wood, metal etc.
  • This type of roof is aesthetically pleasing because it has a unique design that will make your home stand out against others.

The Don’ts:

  • They are not good for people who live near the beach because the water may cause damage to your roof.
  • A mansard roof can be a fire hazard because it’s made of wood and is close to the edge, obtaining access to your house for fires is very easy.
  • If you live in an area where there are heavy snowfalls, you should not have a mansard roof because they don’t have much structure, and snow can easily break the roof apart.
  • If you want a watertight roof, a mansard roof is not for you because they aren’t as waterproof as other roofs.
  • If you want to be able to easily access your roof for repairs, a mansard roof is not the right choice because they are difficult to repair.


Is Mansard Roof great for small houses?

Mansard roofs are not just for large houses. If you have a small house, you can still benefit from the extra living space that a mansard roof provides. In fact, because of their unique shape, mansard roofs can actually make small houses look larger than they are. So if you’re looking to add some extra space to your small house, a mansard roof could be the perfect choice for you.

Any Drawback in Mansard Roof?

There are no major drawbacks to having a mansard roof. The only drawback is that you can’t install one on your house by yourself because it needs professional help from the contractors, due to its specific characteristics and design.

Mansard Roof vs Gable Roof?

The main difference between a Mansard Roof and a Gable Roof is that a mansard roof has four sides and is steeper than the gable roof, which only has two. Mansard roofs also provide more space inside your house because they have slanted walls that you can use for storage or as shelves, while a gable roof doesn’t do this.

Mansard Roof Quality?

The quality of a mansard roof is very good because it can be made of different materials, such as metal, wood or asphalt shingles. This means that you will be able to find a mansard roof that fits your budget and your aesthetic preferences. Additionally, the steeper slope makes it less likely for water to accumulate on the roof, which can lead to damage. So if you’re looking for a quality roof that will last for many years, a mansard roof is a great option.

Do I need Building Permit for Mansard Roof?

In most cases, you will need to get a building permit before you install a mansard roof on your house. This will vary depending on where you live. So, if in doubt, it is best to check with your local government office before embarking on any renovations or construction projects.

Can Mansard Roof be used for Residential Building?

Yes! This type of roof has become very popular in the last few years because people are looking for something different than the traditional roof. If you live in a place where it rains all year long, having a mansard roof can be extremely beneficial because they provide excellent protection from the elements and won’t allow water to get inside your house or garage like other types of roofs do.

How Much Mansard Roof Cost?

The cost of a mansard roof may vary depending on the material, size, and complexity of the design. However, as a general rule, you can expect to pay more for a Mansard roof than you would for other types of roofs. So if budget is a concern, you may want to consider another type of roof.

Is a mansard roof the right choice for your home?

If you want an extra living space, a mansard roof is a great option. But if you live in an area with heavy snowfall or don’t want to deal with the hassles associated with getting a building permit, then this type of roof may not be right for you.


In summary, mansard roofs are great because they provide additional living space, make small houses look bigger, and can be made of different materials or designs. But you should not install one if you live in an area with heavy snowfall, don’t want to deal with the hassles associated with getting a building permit, or need something that’s fire-resistant.